Prepare for Your Seychelles Cruise: Landing and Mooring Fees and Taxes

If you're planning a cruise to the Seychelles, it's important to understand the landing and mooring fees and taxes. This practical information will help you plan your trip with peace of mind, ensuring that you comply with local regulations and avoid any unpleasant surprises. Discover everything you need to know about landing fees and mooring charges in the Seychelles.

Tourism Environmental Sustainability: 100 SRC per person per day (not applicable children of 12 years and below​) has to be payed by cash at the base. Please find more information here. 

Landing Fees: When you disembark in the Seychelles, it is mandatory to pay a landing fee. This fee is collected to contribute to the preservation of the islands' environment and natural resources. The amount of the fee varies based on the size of your vessel and the duration of your stay. It's important to inquire in advance about the current rates and budget the necessary amount to make this payment upon arrival.

Mooring Charges: The Seychelles offers numerous mooring zones that provide secure and protected anchorages for boaters. However, the use of these moorings is not free, and mooring fees apply. These fees contribute to the maintenance of infrastructure, the protection of marine ecosystems, and the preservation of the natural beauty of the mooring sites. Mooring fees are typically calculated based on the size of your boat and the duration of your stay. Make sure to inquire about the prevailing rates and budget these fees into your cruising expenses.

Practical Tips:

Inquire in advance about the current rates for landing fees and mooring charges in the Seychelles.
Prepare the necessary cash amount to make these payments upon arrival.
Respect local regulations and anchor only in authorized mooring areas.

Be environmentally conscious and practice responsible anchoring to preserve fragile marine ecosystems.

Visiting La Digue: To explore the island of La Digue, a landing fee of SCR 100 / € 10 per person applies, and bicycle rental costs SCR 150 / € 10 per day.

Visiting Praslin: A visit to the Vallée de Mai on Praslin incurs an entrance fee of SCR 350 / € 20 per person. Optional guided tours are available for an additional fee of SCR 100 per person.

Private Islands Open to the Public: Bird Island charges a landing fee of SCR 600 / € 40 per person, and Grande Sœur charges SCR 400 / € 25 per person. Silhouette Island requires prior authorization and payment to the Island Development Company (IDC) in Victoria, Mahé.

Marine Park Mooring Fees: Various marine parks in the Seychelles, such as Aride, Cousin, Curieuse, St. Pierre, Cocos, Ste. Anne, Mahé Baie Ternay, Mahé Port Launay, and Silhouette, impose a mooring fee of SCR 250 per night per boat.

Before embarking on a cruise to the Seychelles, it's essential to familiarize yourself with landing fees and mooring charges. By understanding these practical aspects, you can plan your trip with peace of mind, comply with local regulations, and contribute to the preservation of the Seychelles' natural beauty. Adequately prepare and fully enjoy your cruise to the Seychelles in serenity.

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